The Inclusive Classroom - Curriculum Access for Tier 2 & 3 Learners
A Mainstream Classroom typically includes learners of a wide ability range. In my classroom teaching experience I typically assume that a stage 2 classroom [ie Year 4] will typically include learners with reading and spelling ages from 6 years to 16+. Sometimes I have additional support and sometimes I don’t so how do I manage? Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing resources, research and strategies to ensure all students have both access to content knowledge across the curriculum as well as the ability to read and spell.
A student who struggles with reading does not necessarily have a cognitive impairment or inability to learn. Many students who struggle to learn to read have a diagnosed disability [commonly a specific learning difficulty in reading or Dyslexia], they are diligent and extremely hard working students who typically have extremely strong language skills. Students with other disabilities or complex medical needs may also fit into this category. Just because a student has difficulty reading they should not be denied access to learning content knowledge across the curriculum. We have amazingly rich resources thanks to the past two years of online learning. Some of my favourite go to resources include
- Brain Pop [including Brain Pop Jr] []
- Spark Notes [and the new Spark Notes Plus] []
- Concept Cat and Lift Lessons []
- ABC Education []
- ABC 3 → Operation Ouch, BTN, Horrible Histories, Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch, The Dengineers
- Foxtel | Binge -> Donna Hay Kids Cooking & Cookbook
- BBC Bitesize – Primary | Secondary | Post School []
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